BLD60104 Construction Technology

Taught by Ms. Azrina MD Yaakob.

Learning outcome: Site and temporary work, foundation, concrete framed building, roof, wall, windows and doors and staircase.

Why construction technology? Quantity surveyor should know the construction technology of the construction project which he estimate. If I didn't know, I won't be able what I am measuring when I do Measurement I.

Group Assignment: Construction Technology of Ikea
Ikea has a significant design in every corner of the world. We are lucky to pick it as our project topic and we learn a lot from actual environment in order to practice our knowledge.


Individual Assignment 1: Construction site report in The Andes condo
Combination of Measurement I, Construction Technology, Building Material.
I love this project so much because I was be able to practice my knowledge in the actual working environment.

I have been more curious and curious about construction nowadays. I never notice the construction project every time I pass it by. But now, I always try to figure out what they are doing, is that the thing that I learn from Ms. Azrina? If yes, I will feel a sense of accomplishment because I learn well and didn't just memorize it and practice. Information is not knowledge. Although I found a lot of useful information about construction from internet, I can't verify the reliability. But after compare with the lecture notes and asking questions from Ms. Azrina, I have more confidence to what I have learnt from her. I like construction technology and I feel a little bit sad because the lecture ends. I hope that I didn't miss out anything and for sure I should make more effort to keep revise it until the day I become quantity surveyor. Knowledge is an investment for future.

Lifelong learning

Thinking and problem solving skills

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