BLD60503 Building Services II

Taught by Tan Hee Chai.

Learning Outcome: Ventilation, Air-conditioning system, Fire protection in building, Electric supply and distribution, Vertical transportation system, Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL)

Why Building Services II? To create our awareness and understanding of principles of building services system in a building. We will need to apply this knowledge to prepare the tender in the future.

Building services are something just around our everyday life. I feel necessary to learn more about this module. But there is a bit lack of reliable information on the internet, every time I search, I found company's quotation or internet sales. Glad Taylor's University have good books about this module.

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MGT60203 Management Science

Taught by Wong Chong Wei.

Learning Outcome: Managerial competencies, Strategic management,  Decision making, Organization culture and structure, Organization change, Work motivation, Leadership, Team and group, Communication, HR management, Time management, Info management

Why Management Science? To understand the various organizational behavior, effectiveness of an organization, decision making strategies, analysis tools and motivation concept. It lead us to be a more efficient and effective management personal.

Group Assignment 1: Create a business plan for our start-up construction company by applying knowledge of management science.

Mr Wong is a passionate lecturer. He not only teach us, but coach us to become a better person. I learn a lot of things from him and become a more effective management personal. We were required to do a presentation in every tutorial, even though it's hard for me, but that gradually improve our presentation skill and breaking out of my comfort zone. I felt I have grown up a bit every after a topic he taught. Really appreciate his hard work. I love management science so much now.

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BLD60304 Construction Technology III

Taught by Chiew Seng Khoon

Learning Outcome: Industrialized Building System(IBS), Retaining wall, Dewatering system, Curtain wall, Green building, Pre-stressed concrete, Space frame and Tension membrane roof

Why Construction Technology III? To establish and develop our base knowledge of the fundamental principles of design and technology in construction.

Individual Assignment 1: 20 pieces of sketching which is related to syllabus
Group Assignment 1: Create a video which the topic is related to our module. A site visit is required to obtain an observation and a piece of video scene.

Mr Chiew taught us twice this time. His lecture notes are always very informative and useful for us. He told us he has experiences working in site, that's explain why he is so knowledgeable about construction technology. I love knowing how things work especially there are just around my life. Construction technology is interesting. I hope I am able to apply these knowledge in my life and also work.

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QSB60304 Measurement III

Taught by Soon Lam Tatt.

Learning Outcome: Different types of Windows, Different types of Doors, Structural Steelworks and Metalwork, Roof, Glodon Software

Why Measurement III? It is the basic knowledge of measuring various elements in construction, which we will use it to prepare tender in the future.

Group Assignment 1: Use Glodon software to do taking-off of windows and doors in our own home.

Mr. Soon is an amazing lecturer, I can understand every modules after the lectures, which made me realize comprehensive ability and presentation skill are so necessary when we communicate with people.What I have learnt through Measurement III is, in order to measure well, first we need to understand the nature of the elements. Imagination and application are so important to us. That's why we need some construction knowledge, as much as we can. Knowledge is not enough, if we didn't apply or experience in real life, we can't truly understand.

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