QSB60304 Measurement III

Taught by Soon Lam Tatt.

Learning Outcome: Different types of Windows, Different types of Doors, Structural Steelworks and Metalwork, Roof, Glodon Software

Why Measurement III? It is the basic knowledge of measuring various elements in construction, which we will use it to prepare tender in the future.

Group Assignment 1: Use Glodon software to do taking-off of windows and doors in our own home.

Mr. Soon is an amazing lecturer, I can understand every modules after the lectures, which made me realize comprehensive ability and presentation skill are so necessary when we communicate with people.What I have learnt through Measurement III is, in order to measure well, first we need to understand the nature of the elements. Imagination and application are so important to us. That's why we need some construction knowledge, as much as we can. Knowledge is not enough, if we didn't apply or experience in real life, we can't truly understand.

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