QSB60904 Professional Practice II

QSB60904 Professional Practice II

Taught by
Mr. Lim Sek Cheon

Learning Outcome
1. Construction Disputes
2. Delays and Disputes
3. Construction Claims
4. Rights of Setting Off by Employer
5. Practical Completion and Penultimate Certificate
6. Final Accounts
7. Partial Possession by Employer
8. Determination of Contractor's Employment by Employer
9. Determination of Own Employment by Contractor
10. Dispute Resolution Method and Quantity Surveyor Act 2015
11. Building Insurance under PAM 2006
12. PAM Form (Without Quantities) and JKR Form of Contract

Assessment Components
2 Test
1 Seminar Presentation
1 Group Coursework
1 E portfolio

14 weeks period - 4 credit hour module
3 hours lecture/week
1 hour tutorial/week

Mr. Lim taught us about the knowledge and understanding of the administration of construction contracts and the application and limitations of particular contract clauses. This module provide us an overview of professional and contractual responsibilities of a QS in the consultancy setup from the inception stage to the final account stage and we are learning to achieve it.

Discipline Specific Knowledge

Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

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